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About Club One

Club One (SA) Limited was created in 2005 as a company under the Corporations Act.


Its members are the SA National Football League and Licensed Clubs Association of South Australia. There is an option for Sport SA to also become a member. The above organisations feature as members, and the right to become a member, because of their leading role in the South Australian community in terms of promoting and dealing with various community and sporting groups and clubs. They are, in terms of the Act (24a), representative of a substantial number of clubs in the State.


As an incorporated not for profit company, the members of Club One are not entitled to obtain any financial benefit or reward from Club One of any kind. In simple terms Club One is an independent body working for the benefit of all - no one club or not for profit body can direct or manage the affairs of Club One. To ensure this Club One reports annually to the parliament through the Minister of the day.


Club One was created from a concept put before the Independent Gambling Authority (“IGA”) in May 2003 by Clubs SA in submissions to the “Inquiry into the Management of Gaming Machine Numbers”. The government of the day accepted the submissions, and changes were made to the Gaming Machines Act 1992 to accommodate the establishment of Club One (SA) Limited; specifically that Club One holds a special club licence under the Gaming Machines Act, not available to any person or corporate body.


From Club SA’s submissions the following core principles were determined:

  1. Community clubs, sporting clubs and recreational organisations were in need of assistance;

  2. In particular, community clubs required financial assistance;

  3. An independent body (Club One) should be set up to work with all clubs;

  4. Club One to fundraise for all clubs;

  5. The method of fundraising was by use of gaming machine entitlements (“GME’s”). Club One can hold, acquire, dispose of and otherwise deal with GME’s for the benefit of community clubs;

  6. Maximise income for the benefit of clubs;

  7. The prevention of any loss of GMEs and their revenue from clubs;

  8. The distribution of revenue to grass roots recreation and sport on a merit basis; and

  9. Openness, transparency and accountability.


Club One (SA) Limited Mission Statement and Objectives



Clubs S.A
SA National Football League
Sport SA
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