Club One Limited Annual Reports
Club One (SA) Limited holds a Special Club License created by section 27 (b) of the Gaming Machine Act 1992. The Act, its regulations and the License require Club One to provide annual reports to parliament and to make ongoing report to the Commissioner of Liquor and Gambling.
The Act imposes at 24A—Special club licence
A special club licence is subject to the following further conditions:
a condition requiring the holder of the licence to submit for the Commissioner's approval contracts or arrangements under which management services are to be provided, officers or employees engaged in senior management positions are to be remunerated or profits are to be shared with other licensees;
a condition requiring the holder of the licence to provide a report to the Minister, no later than 30 September in each year, on the conduct of its financial affairs during the financial year ending on the previous 30 June, including reference to distribution of funds among community, sporting and recreational groups;
other conditions determined by the Commissioner and specified in the licence.
The Minister must, within 12 sitting days of receiving the report referred to above, cause a copy of the report to be laid before each House of Parliament.
These Reports may be read by accessing Parliament SA Hansard on the Parliament SA web page.